Friends Showin Me Some Love!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowcation! Time to clean and condition the make-up brushes!

It's looked like this here lately ->

and I even saw a pic of this in a town about 30 minutes from my house...
but, it looked like this at my house...
actually - truth is - it was still snowing when I took this...and we got much couldn't barely see the post there by the rabbit. It was 20 inches...huge snow drifts. Needless to say - we and about 1/3 (at least) of the good ole' USofA was snowed in. We called it our Snowvaction!  Wheeeeee!  First time I've heard of Snow Thunder. Crazy stuff!
Anyway - besides the normal stuff of baking, sleeping, napping, hanging out, tv watching...and in our house playing music and making was also a great time to wash my make-up brushes. I try to do this at least once a week.  Made me think...hmmmmm...there's something I should probably post about.

So - here's the DL on how I clean my brushes. I don't know if this is the 100% correct way to do this...but, I will say -> my brushes last a long time and look great and perform great for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Here's the deal - if you are going to invest in good make-up ->invest in some good make-up brushes!! You don't have to do it all at once. Buy one here and there. Find them on sale. Deplete your collection of crappy make-up brushes. Then - once you get them...maintain them like crazy! They will last a long time.
Now - I know some gals buy their brushes in the art store in the fine art supply section. I haven't done that. But - I will probably. I currently have ECO Brushes which I bought at Target. They are cheap to reasonably priced. And, of course...I have MAC brushes...which I love the most. They are not reasonably priced. But - they work great and last a long time if you take care of them.

Ok - so here's what I do to clean mine.
First fill a sink or bowl with warm water, and lay out a couple of white washcloths next to the sink.

Then I toss in all my brushes if I am using the sink - or one at a time for a bowl - and swish them around.

Then I pour about a dime-sized amount of baby shampoo into the palm of my hand.
I use the Wal-Mart Equate brand. See...not even expensive.
I pick up each brush and rub the brush bristles into the shampoo in a circular motion. Lots of make-up comes out of those brushes. Crazy!

Then I rinse them all really well, and Shape the brush heads into a nice shape. They can take a beating through the week - so it's good to reshape them.

We're not done yet! Hang in there.

I buy this at Sephora. I love it. It smells good and works amazing! Even gets off those last traces of MAC gel eyeliner that tend to build up on my eyeliner brushes.
It says you can use it daily. I'll be honest. I don't. I'm lucky to get my brushes cleaned once a week.

I spray the brush bristles really well and wipe the brush on a clean white washcloth.  This way I can tell if the brush is clean and make-up free.  Mmmmmmmmmmmm....smells good.

Reshape the brush bristles and lay all your make-up brushes out to dry.

This whole process takes me about 10 minutes.  Viola! Clean Brushes.  Now -> go make your brushes happy and give them a bath. :-)